Soft Winter Fuel

Soft Winter Fuel

Posted by TORQ USA on Feb 6th 2019

With winter still in full swing, and many just itching to get their endurance kick in the outdoors, we thought now would be a great time to remind you what a unique and effective product our TORQ Energy Bar is.TORQ Bar Sundried Banana

The TORQ Bar was pretty much invented for the winter season back in 2003. The ‘Moist & Chewy’ tagline was born to highlight how easy this product is to eat and even in cold environments where many products become almost impossible to consume, the TORQ Bar remains impressively soft.


In terms of nutritional profile, the TORQ Bar performs where competitors trail in its wake because of its multiple-transportable carbohydrate and ultra-low-fat formulation. Fat slows the absorption of carbohydrate, hence the need for keeping fat levels to a minimum in an energy product and the multiple-transportable carbohydrate research we utilize ensures the fastest possible intestinal delivery of carbohydrate to the blood. The combination of these 2 key factors in an energy bar is unique. We know of no other performance energy bar at any price with such a fresh natural flavor and easy-to-eat characteristics that simultaneously retains its vital performance credentials. The TORQ bar is an extremely high performance product, delivering a measured 30g dose of carbohydrate fuel to the working muscles and functions as part of the TORQ Fueling System.

TORQ Bar Tangy Apricot

The TORQ Bar was our first EVER product, setting the ‘zero compromise’ standard to which all subsequent TORQ products have had to align. To top it all, these high quality natural beauties are pure, clean and healthy. All three of the TORQ Bars are certified by the Fairtrade Foundation. To learn more about the TORQ Bar, click HERE.

Love all the flavors like your children? can pick your favorite? Check out our TORQ bar variety box here!