2:1 Maltodextrin:Fructose
5 Key Electrolytes
Light & Refreshing

Torq Energy Drink is a naturally flavored, light and refreshing isotonic energy drink. Formulated using fast-delivery 2:1 Maltodextrin:Fructose and 5 key electrolytes. Torq Energy Drink Mix forms part of the Torq Fueling System.

  • Hydration

    Around 60% of the human body is composed of water, with the brain and heart being composed of 73% water and the lungs 83%.

    There is a direct link between our state of hydration and our mental and physical performance. A relatively small loss of water can diminish our physical performance significantly.

  • Electrolytes

    There is a direct link between our state of hydration and our mental and physical performance and as an example, the diagram below illustrates how a relatively small loss of water can diminish our physical performance significantly.

    Electrolytes diffuse passively across the intestinal wall into the blood. It’s only when the fluid and electrolytes hit the blood that they actually hydrate you.

  • Optimal Fuel

    When the going gets tough and perspiration rates rise however, it would be wrong to suggest that plain water and water encountered in your general diet will provide adequate hydration.

    The isotonic formulation of our Torq Energy Drink Mix will deliver more fuel while at the same time perform strong from a hydration perspective. Monitor hydration as your fluid intake should depend on your perspiration rates.

Discover optimal hydration

Torq Hydration delivers 15g Carbs per serving with the full electrolyte profile. Optimized for hot weather conditions and turbo trainer sessions, our line of Hydration drink mix has been formulated to deliver fluid and electrolytes over and above any other factor.