2:1 Maltodextrin:Fructose
5 Key Electrolytes
Hypotonic 15g Carbs

Torq Hydration Drink Mix is mild, lightly flavored, and incredibly hydrating drink mix. Our Performance Hydration product has been formulated to optimize fluid and electrolyte delivery over and above any other factor.

A Professional Hypotonic Solution

Torq Hydration Drink’s advanced hypotonic formulation is specifically aimed at optimizing hydration where events/sessions are no more than an hour long and heavy sweat loss is anticipated. This includes Indoor training activities like Zwift, Sufferfest, and studio cycling for cyclists and other indoor exercise classes like body pump and circuit training.

Torq Hydration Drink can also be used as part of the Torq Fueling System during longer events as an alternative to Torq Energy Drink. It is a popular choice with runners who can combine it with Torq Gels to satisfy their fueling and hydration requirements.

  • Hydration Simplified

    Torq Hydration Drink uses both passive and facilitated transport mechanisms to deliver fluids and electrolytes efficiently. Its hypotonic formulation allows for quick hydration, while the high sodium and mild glucose content enhance absorption.

    This makes it more effective than electrolyte tablets, providing optimal hydration for events or sessions lasting up to an hour with heavy sweat loss. Ideal for indoor training like Zwift, Sufferfest, and cycling classes, it can also be used as part of the Torq Fueling System during longer events or alongside Torq Gels for runners.

  • Hypotonic Carb Load

    Torq Hydration Drink is hypotonic, meaning that it has a lower concentration than your blood making it exceptionally effective at providing hydration.

    Torq Hydration Drink delivers optimal hydration with 15g of carbs, providing essential electrolytes to replenish what’s lost during moderate exertion. Its balanced formula supports endurance and keeps energy levels steady, helping you stay hydrated without overloading on sugars. Ideal for longer sessions or activities where hydration is key, this drink helps prevent fatigue, enhances performance, and ensures you're fueled without feeling weighed down.

  • Balanced Hydration

    To achieve optimal performance, balancing hydration and fueling is key. For exercise sessions under an hour, focus primarily on hydration, especially since they are often intense and indoors, leading to high fluid loss. In this case, Torq Hydration is the ideal choice.

    For longer sessions, fueling becomes essential as exercise depletes glycogen stores, which can impact performance. Torq Energy offers both hydration and carbs to prevent this. If perspiration is low during longer sessions, fueling becomes the priority, and products like energy gels, bars, or chews can provide concentrated carbs without extra fluid.T

Discover the Fully fueled energy drink mix

With a full 30g of Carbs per serving, Torq Energy Drink Mix provides a complete Torq Unit to complete our Torq Fueling System.

Our Energy Drink Mix has been carefully formulated to deliver Torq’s unique blend of multiple-transportable carbohydrates, fluid, and electrolytes to the working muscles extremely quickly and efficiently using research-proven 2:1 Maltodextrin:Fructose technology and all 5 key electrolytes.